Wednesday, January 2, 2019

2019 Destash Project

I am ready to commit to destashing both my yarn and my fabric in 2019. I decided to make it fun and create a little project to keep me motivated and to write about it here to keep me honest.

Here's the idea...

I have so many single skeins that are beautiful, but I don't tend to grab when I start a project. I also have any 1/4 and 1/2 yards of fabric.

I am going to pick 24 small single skein projects to knit in 2019, so one finished item every two weeks. I've done that part, here is the project bundle on Ravelry

Then I'll make simple project bags for each item, pick the yarn, and put the pattern and the yarn in the bag. Once all the little project bags are compiled, I will pick a bag and start knitting! Since there are only so many things I can wear, I anticipate that most of these will be gifts. I am going to use the projects bags as gifts bags when the item is done and ready for its home.

I'm pretty excited about this little project. It should free up some room in my crafty area, it's eco friendly, and will hopefully make the recipients happy, win, win, win!

If you are joining me in 2019, please comment below & let me see your finished loveliness!

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