Saturday, January 19, 2019

Perky Little Hat Update

All finished! I loved how fast this was to knit up! I would totally make like 10 more but I am out of bulky yarn. I made a little dent in my stash! When I have my stash under control this is definitely on the list of things to make again! 

The Perky Little Hate being worn by its happy recipient!

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

2019 Destash Project #2 - Perky Little Hat

Our second project is....
Perky Little Hat by Sharon Lentsch

 I’m so excited about our progress so far! People have been posting pictures to the group and I must say you have certainly risen to the challenge! 
                               Click Here to go to our Ravelry group. 

This project is a super fast knit, so if you are joining us a little late you’ll have time to catch up. Or, you can just jump right in, whatever floats your boat!
I am using one of the first ‘fancy’ yarns I ever purchased that has been in my stash for years. It feels good to be putting it to use. I don’t have a bag for this one because it’s been claimed by my wife already.
I did a little digging in other people’s finished projects and since I am knitting with size 13 needles I’m going to cast on an extra 4 stitches and knit 2 extra rows before the decreases.
I’m looking forward to seeing all your Perky Little Hats!

I took this picture of the giant yarn ball next to my giant tea mug and the medium sized ball left over from the last project, it’s so big!

Yarn before I wound it...

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

2019 Destash Project #1- Knotwork Cabled Headband by Lucy Liebenstein

Happy New Year!
Here it is, our first project:
Knotwork Cabled Headband by Lucy Liebenstein
Knotwork Cabled Headband- 2019 Destash Project

My first idea was to pick random projects, but as I thought about it, I thought it might be better to plan for items you may want in the winter, and maybe space out the larger projects with smaller ones.
I picked this project because in my part of the world it’s winter and I’d like something to keep my ears warm that isn’t as bulky as a hat. The cables are a nice little challenge for people wanting to learn something new (cables are seriously easy, I promise), and keep it interesting for experienced knitters.
Let’s aim to have this finished by January 15th, and I’ll post the next project on January 16th.
Hurray! We’ve started!!!


I had some time to finish this before I start back to work tomorrow. It fits nicely and I am happy with how the seam looks. I just sort of picked up stitches and sewed together as if I had thread. The yarn is so soft and cozy on my ears, very happy with this project!

2019 Destash Project

I am ready to commit to destashing both my yarn and my fabric in 2019. I decided to make it fun and create a little project to keep me motivated and to write about it here to keep me honest.

Here's the idea...

I have so many single skeins that are beautiful, but I don't tend to grab when I start a project. I also have any 1/4 and 1/2 yards of fabric.

I am going to pick 24 small single skein projects to knit in 2019, so one finished item every two weeks. I've done that part, here is the project bundle on Ravelry

Then I'll make simple project bags for each item, pick the yarn, and put the pattern and the yarn in the bag. Once all the little project bags are compiled, I will pick a bag and start knitting! Since there are only so many things I can wear, I anticipate that most of these will be gifts. I am going to use the projects bags as gifts bags when the item is done and ready for its home.

I'm pretty excited about this little project. It should free up some room in my crafty area, it's eco friendly, and will hopefully make the recipients happy, win, win, win!

If you are joining me in 2019, please comment below & let me see your finished loveliness!