Friday, February 1, 2019

2019 Destash Project #3 Kahlo

I figured with the polar vortex hitting the US, we could use some mittens to go with our hats!

Our third project is Kahlo!

I am knitting them with some cozy Alpaca worsted that matches a cowl I made (and still need to photograph). I also bought some fancy Hiya Hiya 9"circulars from a LYS that I've been dying to use.

I'm going to try to get these done this weekend because I have a few baby hats that need to get done.

So excited to see your mittens!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So I've got plenty of Caron one pound yarn that I think I will use for this. It is not fancy, it's just plain blue but I want to use it up. I'm making fingerless mitts with it right now and I figure I may as well just keep going. Do you think it will work? Your yarn looks so nice!